Add your vote for the birds!

Do you love birds as much as we do? We love our Australian characters and our birds are very iconic. Well if you are an Aussie you need to get on and vote at the Guardian to chose your bird! 

Flock of favourites Teatowel

This poll is also a chance to draw attention to some of the big challenges Australian birds are facing, such as habitat loss and climate change.

It is important to take time to recognise how much people around Australia really love birds is because we’re losing them and the biggest threat to birds is the loss of habitat. The clearing of habitat, whether it be for agriculture or mines or for housing developments removes the birds homes and habitats they need to survive and raise the next generation.

You might be interested that a Senate inquiry is now looking at the high rate of extinction across all Australian fauna species. More than 1,800 Australian plants and animals are at risk of extinction and birds, as one of the best-monitored, are a marker for this crisis.

We want to be able to keep enjoying all of our birds! 

Vote now in the Australian bird of the year poll 2019